Archive for the ‘Outings & Such’ Category

D’s new hobby at the moment  are bikes. he’s been busy researching for a bike of his own but holding off from buying one until our circumstances are better; so he just buys the accessories -_- we checked out this bike shop at fox studios which carried the brand of the bike he wanted. i of course wasn’t quite so interested so i was roaming around and i spotted this! maybe i should just add it onto D’s bike ^_^ then i can go along to his rides. imagine going off trail sitting behind him….. i’ll probably jump off! haha

i had 2 cakes this time. they had bought me the most delicious rich tempered soft white chocolate cake from guylian and oooooo it just melts in your mouth. it was so soft the candles wouldn’t stand straight on it. poor clara had to hold the candles until the boys finally came to the table. it did stay up long enough for the to sing me a song 🙂

it was a pretty easy going day. slept in as we normally do on weekends, ate lunch and we headed to test drive a car D wanted. yes.. it’s almost as if he was buying me a car for my birthday. hehehe

we went to home thai for dinner and the food was absolutely yummy. the pork dish we ordered was…. omg so good, it was so good we ordered TWO! oh and i think we ordered almost every dessert on the menu. the cool part about the place? they use ipads when they place your orders and have LV pouches to hold them in. we were like o_O !! we also had this bunch of people sitting next to our table that kept eyeing our food. in fact they actually tapped clara on the shoulder to ask her what the dishes we ordered were. we didn’t really mind it but it was kinda uncomfortable that they kept staring at our table and POINTING.  tsk.tsk. so we thought get them to take a group picture for us since we’ve been so nice. we ended up having to do the same for them -_-

it was after cake cutting where the craziness began. we finally had a chance to play our lego pictionary since we were in a group. it was me, D & clara in a team and alex, jd & justin in another. we did cheat a lil considering we were making stupid sounds to explain what we were trying to build. we laughed until our jaws hurt, realised that alex and jd are on the same wave length and justin created a way for us to identify how to build animals 😀 i can’t believe we were up pretty much all night and had mackers breakkie before heading to bed at 6am. i definitely haven’t done this in a while…..

thanks for all the birthday fun! please come back and help finish the cakessssss……





talk about overkill – chicken breast wrapped in bacon with melted tasty cheese! and steam peas mixed with butter and salt….. after that we play badminton to burn it all off 😀 and then i come home and snack on peanut butter toast >.< looks like i’ll never loose any weight. hehehe

happy birthday leanne!! apart from that crazy saturday night you had, i hope you’re enjoying your delicious lobster today.

the theme was to wear checks or polka dots (can you tell???) and since D doesn’t have either one, we went hunting for one and found a really nice shirt. semangats? it’s really the only time to convince him to shop for clothes. men…..

we headed to a place called monkey magic. we did hear decent reviews about it but i think coz we were such a big group, it didn’t seem to turn out that great. and for $45? we were still hungry at the end of the night. i have to say kudos to anne for the awesome cake (the alexis type tiramisu cake which i miss). when they brought out the cake, we sung ever so loudly, the poor birthday girl was red in the face. hahaha but we obviously had to announce it to the world right??

after dinner? we had to get the birthday girl drunk so we were off to mr.b’s where she pretty much never left the bar. in fact, i hardly saw her…  😀 very interesting pics on FB that night… heheheh

in attempts for a healtier lifestyle, D & i started playing badminton with some friends. D started a couple of weeks back but because i had work commitments, last tuesday was the first time i played and OMG…. i came home aching. in fact, i think my body only healed on friday. i have no idea how they play an extra hour more than me and walk away like it was nothing o_O

since i never owned my own racket and we were making this a weekly sport, we went all the way to seven hills to buy our equipment. D got this super cool limited edition peter gade arcsaber 10 racket which not only looks good but feels awesome when you swing too (so say our expert friends) got signature somemore wei! i on the other hand got the cheapest racket there which turned out to be a pretty decent one. in fact, not even the lowest range – yeay to me… 🙂 i am now the proud owner of an isometric racket.

we were so excited with our new stuff (and because SOME people also got new stuff… :p) we booked the next available court and of course i came home aching even more…. hope everything heals by tuesday or else confirm DIE!….. and if i continue to ache like this every time i play, i’ll never get to wear my heels >.<

i went sailing for the first time ever yesterday and it was sooooo awesome! it’s great that they taught us to do pretty much everything from lifting the sails to steering the boat to figuring out which ropes to pull and release. definitely more work than it sounds. thank goodness i didn’t come home aching.

since there were 8 of us we were broken into 2 crews. us (pic) and matt, EJ & jin. we took the bigger boat but loss the final race coz of the handicap. actually no fair la coz my crew were mostly first timers and it was no surprise EJ’s team won because he was in it :p of course it wasn’t only us sailing club o2 – move outdoors organised the skippers for us to have boats to teach us and sail in.

the exciting bit was when the boat was at almost a 90 degree angle. you had to hold on or you’ll fall off the boat for sure! i had a few shoulder and butt cramps just coz i was holding on so tightly at odd angles o_o but there were wonderful moments where we got to just chill and enjoy the calm ride.

and even though the sun was out…. i was freezing at the end of the sail! note to self to bring a jumper the next time..l. after the race, it was off  for a bbq…. ahhh food is alway good after sports.

great weather, great time… i wanna do it again!

we must have picked the wettest day ever to go one a road trip. it pretty much rained throughout the day. we planned an early start…first pick up at 8:30am and the second at 9. yeah right….waking up early is the worst thing we can plan. so we left at 8:45am, missed the turning to the highway…. got to the first point at 9:30, second point at 10 and rushed to the closest macca’s for breakkie only to find it closed -_- we did however manage tofind another macca’s closeby to have breakfast 😀

and so started our road trip originally heading to newcastle; we ended up in terrigal which reminded me of a smaller and cleaner manly. 2 hours after breakfast, we had lunch at terrigal. 😀 the boys can sure eat. we then made out way towards a look out point but i’m not too sure what we were looking out for. gloomy skies didn’t help but i bet it would be beautiful if it weren’t for the rain.

we also attempted a 1.5km walk until a short distance in we realised that it was too muddy and we didn’t have the right shoes on (much to jd’s happiness) so we turned back and began rubbing the soles of our shoes on the grass to rid them of mud. the next stop was “the entrance”. now when i heard “the entrance”, i kept wandering “the entrance” to what? when i found out it was a town, i was expecting some kinda grand arch greeting us with “welcome to the entrace”. man was i wrong….

this was the closest thing i found to telling us we were at the entrance. i was thinking back home, we have a grand arch just to separate kl & pj! i then found out that it is “the entrance” for where tuggerah lake meets the pacific ocean. the highlight of this place was the feeding of the pelicans. i knew pelicans were big birds but i never realised how big they actually were. we almost missed it because of the rain. we were about to drive off when the sun came out.

did i also mentioned that this trip was all about food? a couple of hours after lunch we had wicked wings at kfc, chicken in a bizkit in the car and then a good southern indian dinner at homebush. i think the place was called janani. if you fancy food with strong spices in your food, this is a place to go.

it was a long day. it was a really fun day and road trips are all about the company. there were loud moments in the car…then there were moments where everyone in the back seat were silent (all fell asleep). we didn’t have a plan, we knew we were heading 1 direction and that was it. hopefully our next road trip we’ll have better weather 🙂 can’t wait!

i got the meet the boys from finabah  as the company were sponsors of rock the schools (an educational tour that promotes the local music industry). they’re really a fun bunch of boys and they definitely know how to keep the crowds screaming wild for them 🙂

this is their first video clip i think. i’ve also heard them do a cover of jason derulo’s “whatcha say” and it was really good. the crowds were screaming and singing along with them. maybe they’ll be really famous one day and i can say i’ve met them!! *grin*

steph and i are heading to the live final of australia’s next top model tonight at luna park. the twist was that there are 3 finalist instead of the final 2. i didn’t follow every single episode but i think amanda looks and could win. kelsey is the underdog but looks amazing in photos.. sophie erms… not my type? it’s live on fox8 tonight at 7:30pm; see if you can spot me in the crowd. hahaha

if i was in Melbourne, but alas i am based in Sydney and will be going for a good cheap ($3 per plate apparently) sushi with some awesome company instead. good food, fun friends, wonderful way to start the weekend.

happy weekend everyone! i’m so glad it’s friday….. *grin*